The Poetree Project
interactive literary installation
Aug-Dec 2013
A city-wide participatory poetry project
culminating with an installation in Forest
Park, and scattering of poems to strangers
through the mail. In collaboration with
artist Henry Goldkamp.
All in the dead of a St. Louis winter.
SOW – Over a month, we collected poems from St. Louisans and beyond via email or post. We welcome originals, favorites, journal scrawlings – any poems that are meaningful to you.
PLANT – These submissions were installed in a grove of barren trees in Forest Park, hanging from tree branches like fruit.
HARVEST – We opened the poems for harvest, a full day in which St. Louisans were invited to come pluck poems from the trees.
SCATTER – Harvest Day included a station on-site with envelopes, encouraging participants to pass these wonderful gifts along through the mail. Each poem received custom, commemorative stamps. Participants were invited to send poems to special people the knew, or peruse the white pages and give a
complete stranger a pleasant surprise. Like intertwining roots, we are reminded that we are all connected.